Portfolio Strategy | Brand Love

How do we inspire lifelong chocolate lovers?

The Challenge

An iconic chocolate and confections company wanted to make sure their portfolio had something for everyone, but first, they needed to answer a simple but substantial question:

Who exactly is "everyone" and what do they want in a snack?

The Approach

For two delicious years, we connected with snackers of all ages – from tweens to empty nesters – across the country. We wanted to know all about their snacking behaviors, the chapter of life they were in, and the milestones that affected their relationship with chocolate.

From buying your first candy bar with your hard-earned allowance to introducing chocolate to your child as a reward for potty training, we mapped the ebb and flow of chocolate consumption across different life stages.

The Now What?

We developed an actionable life stage framework rooted in emotional and functional milestones and pinpointed which needs our client’s portfolio could meet to inspire lifelong customers.